Wednesday, 4 January 2012

5 Minute Raw Courgette Pasta!

Easy to prepare raw, courgette pasta.

Do you think all raw food takes a lot of time and preparation?... 

Well, allow me to change your mind with this super tasty, super speedy culinary delight! I was running around like a headless chicken (for want of a better phrase on a raw vegan food blog) and still managed to whip up this creation. On your marks...get set.......GO!


  • 1 Courgette, either spiralized, sliced or made into thin strips using a peeler. (You can do this quickly, honestly! And keep the nutritious skin on, we haven't got time to faff about!)
  • Hand full of cherry tomatoes, sliced in half. (or chucked in whole)
  • Olives.
  • Handful of fresh parsley, torn.
  • 1/2 bell pepper, diced 
  • Few sun-dried tomatoes, sliced.
  • Half a lemon.
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Smoked paprika. 
  • Salt & pepper (preferably sea salt or pink crystal salt)

Chuck everything in a bowl, squeeze the lemon on, drizzle over some olive oil, sprinkle on some smoked paprika, salt and pepper and et voila! Super healthy, super quick! Yum. 

N.B This serves one, just double or quadruple the ingredients if you are rushing to serve other people! Oh and, you don't have to be in a rush to make this, it's just that if you are, you can : ) 

Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Buckwheat raw hummus recipe, served with beetroot salad.

wanted to kick start the year off with a delectable raw dish. Then I looked in my cupboards and saw... not a lot. And it was bank holiday so all the shops were closed. Grrr.  It was one of those moment's where you just go "Oh sod it!" and maybe reach for the roasted cashew nuts that don't belong to you. But no, I thought. Let necessity be the mother of all invention and do not give in! 

In my cupboard I had the following:
2 Beetroot.
Some dehydrated buckwheat. 
Black sesame seeds.
Something that was unrecognisable.
2 Apples.
Various herbs and spices.
Sunflower seeds.
Spring onions.
Olive oil.
Cider vinegar. 
Sesame oil. 

So! I grated the beetroot, chopped the apple, put it in a bowl, sprinkled on some black sesame seeds and sunflower seeds, tossed it about, splashed a bit of sesame oil and tamari on, and THEN... the magic happened. The Buckwheat Hummus was born. 


  • 1 cup buckwheat (either sprouted or soaked and dehydrated)
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 2 tbsp's tahini. 
  • 1 tbsp cider vinegar
  • 2 tbsp's olive oil. 
  • Salt and black pepper.
  • Water to blend to desired consistency.

(please note- this is the version that I made using only the ingredients I had. You can add anything you like! Replace cider vinegar with lemon juice for a more authentic hummus taste, and add cumin to make it extra special)

Blend everything together and serve. I put mine on the top of the beetroot concoction with some finely sliced spring onions. And it tasted all the better for knowing that you can create something beautiful from very little if you just stay positive and look at what you have got. There is a lesson in there somewhere, i'm sure...


Sunday, 1 January 2012


It's here. 2012 has arrived. And I am very excited by this fact. More and more people are starting to view the world in a different way. 

Can you feel something is changing? Even just a little teency bit?...

We are starting to come together and realise that we don't have to feel so rubbish anymore. We don't have to walk around with our heads down and shoulders hunched. We can be anything we want to be! So how are you feeling right now? Maybe you feel hungover after last nights partying, or maybe you are just feeling a bit...low? Maybe you feel great emotionally but would love to have glowing skin or more energy? Close your eyes and imagine what the best possible version of you would look like, would feel like? Would he/she feel like you do now? It's worth thinking about. How can we make ourselves feel and look better? I believe the answer is simple and it all starts with what we put in our bodies. If the idea of eating raw foods sounds like witch craft or even unhealthy then stick with me kidda, and you'll be blissed out eating courgette spaghetti with creamy alfredo sauce in no time. 

Follow me on my blog to see how I make a high raw diet work in the UK (and why in God's name I would actually choose to eat this way), how you can eat more raw foods, and also check in for recipes, tips, support and a general chat about life! 

Hope to see you soon!...